On this day of Halloween the innocent Loic Miller toured the houses to collect candy. The twink doesnt doubt that ringing on Kevin Venturas doorbell will give a totally different turn to his night. Loic is welcomed by this strange character who offers him candy and urges make him drink a very odd taste potion... which is none other than human blood!Moments after drinking Loc fainted. Kevin bursts out in a diabolical laugh and in seconds he turns into blood and sex thirsty vampire. From a magical gesture he pushes Loc onto the furniture and stripped him before attacking him to devour him. Under the effect of the bite the teenager wakes up as if possessed. Loc is now the sex slave of the vampire that will first get sucked before to fucking him violently. Sex is intense and cries of Loc resound amid the room crowded of zombies and terrifying creatures. If Kevin is a powerful vampire, it was not counting on jealousy of his elder Alexis Tivoli who attracted by Blood and sex smells burst into the room and throws himself on Kevin to bite him and steal his human sex toy.Alexis and Kevin makes little Loc, covered in blood, a deep and violent anal fucking session before cummi