Smooth Gay pictures

( pictures, page 35 of 40)
Jaxon Colt is an open minded, midwestern guy with dreamy blu

Slate Steele has got a body chiseled out of granite, but don

Get acquainted with Jett Ryan. Hes a lean, muscular stud fro

Cole Christiansen is letting it all hang out in the sun by t

Its not easy to pin Dante Martin down for too long its worth

On the beach, its just Jake Henry and his board. Jake knows

Hes a hard-working guy who knows exactly how to unwind. When

While You Were Sleeping

Handy Step Brother

Dirty Step-Brother

First Time Ass Play

Blame it on the Wine

The Frat Boy Pick Up

Best Friend Reunion

Buddy Rub

Playful Buddies

Hard Studying

Caught You Watching

Im Getting Married

What Are Friends For

Virgin Butt Buddy

Youre just in time for Justin Grey! Hes the right mix of swe

This week we have a tall sexy young man named Jason. Hes 19

This is Jake Grey and hes quite a looker! Jake comes to us a

Yall are gonna just melt when you meet this brand new recrui

When we told Jason hed be having his first experience with Q

This one really warms my heart. I love seeing a real gung ho

This here is Mikey and I really think he has LOTS of potenti

The recruits keep falling in waiting for their chance to be

Now this one turned out to be seriously a lot of fun. Its tw

Hey Troops. What an immense pleasure to introduce this strik

If ya want sexy, this is it! Theres so much chemistry betwee

Damian Brooks JP Richards

Kareem Williams

Taking The Cake

Cock Cravings


Trent, Scene 01

Rub Me Tender

Card Decks Hard Dicks

Let Damien West awaken your curiosity and arouse your senses

Conner Hastings is a southern boy with a care-free attitude

Hugh Jazz is a country boy with a reckless streak running th

Stefan comes to us from overseas, bringing Latin flare and a

Channing Taylor is in between phases, as this future soldier

Ryan Knightly is built to last and ready for action. A fanat

Alekzander is a hard rockin stud who is easy on the eyes and

David Ryder is an extreme case originally from the south. Wh

This time we have two young men paired together, both coming

This one turned out to be a real blast, in more ways than on

Meet Austin, a fresh-faced new recruit who, Im glad to tell

Here we have a couple of real tasty military studs. Weve had

Now this has to be a contender for one of my all-time favori

Well this is a humungous treat for me. We have a favorite re

Weve had the wonderful pleasure of a few nice, healthy doses

We have, and I say with great confidence, a spectacular spec

When I saw these two on the couch, right at the get-go, it s

Shawn is a thin guy, but he tells Claude hes pretty big on s

Were lucky enough to have one of our finest, newest recruits

It doesnt get any hotter than this, boys! We have two newcum

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